Monday, 27 August 2018

Dealing with Bloopers

Hello, Crafters.

I have two avenues of "selling" the cards I make; firstly Sharon,

 my manicurist has a box of cards in her waiting room so her 

clients can have a look and buy, and others I give to my Church 

for them to sell and put the money raised to the Church Fund. 
Do you remember this card?
Before I'm ready to pass my cards on, I photocopy them as my

 record of cards I've made, stamp the back of them with a 

Stampin' Up! copyright stamp, and put them in a cello

 bag with an envelope.
This is what I did to the back of it!
On Saturday I was in a rush to get my latest stack of cards

 processed to take them down to Sharon's as I had an

 appointment with her.
Do you remember this card?
 I asked hubby if he'd photocopy the cards, so I could 

then finish the process! 
Nowhere near as bad but still not saleable!
I went into the office and picked up the cards already photocopied,

 brought them into my studio, and put them down on an open

 Soft Sude Ink Pad! I'm sure you can feel my pain! 
I had only damaged two of the cards, and today I set about

 covering up my blooper and getting the cards back

 into a saleable condition.
For both cards I cut a piece of matching cardstock so it was

 about 1/8" wider on all four sides and mounted

 the damaged card on top.
I had a hard time trying to capture the additional layer on a photograph!

 I have seen this done as a technique although I've never

 tried it..................until today! 
The layer of pink around the outside is the "rescue" layer!
In the photograph above the outside "rescue" layer can be

 seen very clearly, but it isn't obvious that it's a layer

 just on the back of the card.   
When I shared this card with you last Tuesday, I said I thought

 it was a bit too busy, and two crafters suggested that if

 I changed the Gingham Ribbon across the centre with plain

 navy, it might help make it look less busy!
I don't have any plain Night of Navy ribbon, so I used a strip

 of cardstock, and I'm much happier with my card now - yes,

 it certainly does look a lot less busy! Many thanks for

 your contructive feedback, Seletta and Geraldine!

I hope you've enjoyed this little peep at how I sort out my 

bloopers, and how you never need to use my solution!

Until tomorrow, happy crafting.



  1. Oh Jan, you can"t claim fame to mishaps. I could show you some real messes. Thank goodness most times they are not mistakes or bloops, just happy creative adjustments. Love the solid blue strip on the card, just right. Enjoy your day. Seletta

  2. Yes, the solid blue strip was an easy and successful fix and Seletta is correct in that you can't claim fame for mishaps. Who of us hasn't managed to mess up, even when it's adhering a card front upside down, like I did the other day! Generally speaking, the fixes or solutions are not difficult to remedy, and in sharing your bloopers today, perhaps it will encourage some of the newbies to not feel quite so intimidated by your always gorgeous card creations! Have a wonderful creative week and thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks for sharing that you only human, too. I don't sell my cards (not a demonstrator) I've only thrown away about a half dozen cards in 3 years out of a thousand or so makes. You can always save by redesigning something on it. SCS PA USA

  4. GREAT IDEA. Thanks for sharing how to save our cards when we have a mishap.

  5. Nice saves,yep we've all had mishaps but can usually salvage something

  6. Great save!! And the blue card stock did the trick. You are amazing.
