Sunday, 14 June 2015

Today's Video - Gift Box Punch Board Box

Hello, Crafters.

I've just uploaded
today's video which
has a name that's
a bit of a mouthful! 

This is the link:
Gift Box Punch Board Box

In last week's video 
I said I had given
up trying to make
boxes with the Gift
Box Punch Board
because I was
defeated every
time with the

As soon as I heard
myself say that,
I thought "That
doesn't sound like
you JanB!" and
knew I'd have to
give it another

I received a
message from
one of my YouTube
subscribers who
suggested that I
could use a belly
band as an

So that was it
- I was on a
mission and this
video is the result.

I now love my Gift
Box Punch Board!

If you're like me
and really struggle
with the closure,
watch my video.

I used our beautiful
new ribbon and tied
my box closed.

I also showed the
first box I made, the
largest one, where
I used a magnet for
the closure.

So that's three
different possible
alternative closures
for this box.

I also adhered the
sides of my box
closed as I wasn't
happy with the
way the box "burst"

If you have found
other ways to
close these boxes,
I'd love to hear
from you.

Until tomorrow, 
happy crafting.



  1. Hi Jan, just watched your video and I am going to give the Gift Box punch another go as well. I loved the little magnet you used on the larger box, could you give me details of them? Kind regards Fiona.

  2. Hi, Fiona. I'm glad my video has inspired you to try again! My hubby found the magnetic snaps on Ebay for me. They come in different sizes - I think I used 3/8" for my box - and they're by BasicGrey. Because they are so strong, when I use them for paper-crafting, I punch two circles the same size as the magnet in the same colour cardstock and adhere one each on top of the magnets. This reduces the strength enough so the magnets don't cause tearing without reducing their efficiency. I hope that makes sense! Kind regards, JanB. ☺
