Hello, Crafters.
As I'm writing today's blog, I'm wondering if you'll be
reading it via Blogger or via WordPress - hopefully
it'll be the latter!
This is the fourth tag in the Sincerely Santa Project Kit, and
I do love the bells. As with the other tags, the only part I've
changed is the ribbon. On this tag it means I've used a fair
bit less for each tag, because the instructions are to
fold the ribbon to zig zag three times. I've added the gold
stars as extras because I had so many left over.
The instructions on how to tie the bells so they stay put
are included on the instruction sheet, and they work
brilliantly! I have also adhered the silver snowflakes onto my
tag further in than they are shown on the leaflet. I did this
to make sure they don't get damaged by sticking out too far.
Then there is the fifth and final tag. I particularly enjoyed
putting this design together because I couldn't see how
it was going to work! It has a piece of ribbon wrapped all
round the tag but still has the white cord going through
the hole. I started this tag by stamping the sentiment,and
adhering it to the Gold Foil oblong and then the doily.
I followed the instructions and cut an 8" piece of ribbon.
Before I started to adhere it, I put the white cord through
the hole and tied the two ends together. Back to the green
ribbon! I put some SNAIL on the top, the bottom and in
the middle**. I adhered one end half way up the front of
the tag, followed down and up around the back
in a straight line.
When I reached the white cord I put the ribbon through it.
**It's important that you don't put any SNAIL to the ribbon
where it goes up and over the hole! The two ends of the
ribbon should meet, and will be covered by the sentiment.
Next I took a 10" piece of green ribbon - as per the
instructions - and tied it in a bow.
I didn't find the instructions at this stage very helpful as it
just says "tie in bow" with a no. 4 on the diagram which
means to adhere with Tombow! I decided to tie the bow
around the vertical ribbon I had wrapped around the tag. I
didn't feel that it needed to be adhered with Tombow, so I
added a Glue Dot underneath each wing of the bow.
On my blog on Thursday, I forgot to say I also added
some gold stars to tag number 5..........as you can see! My
conclusion on this Project Kit is that it's fabulous, and I'd love
to run a product-based class using it. If you're sitting on the
fence about buying it, go for it. I'm sure you'll love it.
I'm very hopeful that I'll be writing Sunday's video blog on
Wordpress! I've already had some practice goes on writing
posts so I'm learning something each time. Hopefully, by
the time you read my first blog written on WordPress, I'll
appear to be a pro! Here's hoping!
In the meantime I hope you have a fabulous weekend,
and until tomorrow, happy crafting.
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