Saturday, 25 August 2018

Almost Ready To Launch my BOGO Event

Hello, Crafters.

I had a great day yesterday getting all my products posted to my blog in preparation for my BOGO event, and I was feeling rather pleased with myself for getting to grips with TAMS as quickly and as easily as I did! But pride goes before a fall! Yesterday evening, I realised the columns of products were too big and were overlapping the links and awards that are in the right hand column.

 After a lot of discussion hubby and I decided there was only one real option - leaving it as it was, wasn't an option! - and that was to re-do it all! When you get to see the amount of products I have in my BOGO Event, you understand what a huge undertaking it was. But it's all done now, and we're off to bed now - it's 1.15 am! I'll be working on it again tomorrow and I'm still hopeful I can launch tomorrow, so I'll be back later. In the meantime, happy crafting.


PS I came across this photgraph that was taken on the cruise. We were all asked to fill out one of the cards and have our photograph taken holding it!