Thursday, 12 March 2015


Hello, Crafters.
Get Well card for Jack has been completed - now onto the minions

My 14 year old grandson was rushed into hospital on Tuesday with appendicitus and had an operation that evening to have his appendix removed. 

I am pleased to say he is making a good recovery. 

Whilst my daughter was taking care of Jack, I looked after my 11 year old granddaughter Molly, who found the whole experience rather frightening. 

It didn't help that she also had severe bout of hayfever and a very red, sore nose. 
From L to R: a treat holder, a wallet and a finger puppet.
Molly spent the day with me while we waited to hear when Jack would be discharged from the hospital. 

She  watched a cardmaking tutorial on YouTube - no, not one of mine! - and she said she could do something like that but with minions! 

As I was working in my office, I set her up in my studio and showed her what she could use. 

These photographs show what she created! I had no input into any of her projects, they were totally her own ideas. I think they are amazing - don't you?

I'm going to use Molly's idea for the make-n-take at Saturday's craft fair, with Molly as the instructor! I'm also planning to make a video showing how she made the treat holder.

Until tomorrow, happy crafting!



  1. Looks good...and Jan can I came and live in your craft area, I love all your cabinets and organisers!

  2. LOL! Thanks, Sarah. It's definitely my "go to" area and now, it seems, Molly's, too! The units are from Storage4Crafts. JanB x
