Saturday, 3 January 2015

Tax Return! Urghh!!

Hello, Crafters.

Today I thought I'd 
have a go at doing 
my self-assessment 
tax return. 

My plan was to follow 
what the accountant 
did last year, see 
where he picked the 
figures up, and just 
follow what he did! 

As a bookkeeper 
myself, how 
difficult could it 

Errrr, very diffiucult 

Plan B is a much better 

I picked up our local 
community magazine 
and found a new 

I'll phone on Monday 
to see what I can 

Moving onto 
something happier, 
today I designed 
the swap I'm going 
to make for my trip 
to the Stampin' Up! 
Leadership convention 
in Orlando at the 
end of the month. 

I just hope it's not 
too involved as I have
to make 100 - I'll 
keep you posted 
on that. 

It involves using 
our new butterfly 
thinlit die which is 
quite intricate and 
it's very 
keep poking out 
the bits. 

Tomorrow I'm going to 
try using dryer sheets 
as recommended on 
YouTube to see if it 
really is any easier. 

I'll let you know 
The photographs show a birthday card I made for my grandson. The image is from Fat Cats.

Until tomorrow, happy crafting.


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