Monday, 22 December 2014

Today's cards

Hello, Crafters.

Today, I personalised 
two baubles and two 
penguin boxes for a 
friend of mine. 

I'll post the 
photographs as soon 
as I know the 
recipients have 
received them!

I also made another 
five Christmas cards 
today as well as eight 
more that just need 
sentiments added 
to them. 

All the Christmas 
trees I've used on 
yesterday's cards 
and today's cards 
were all in my "work 
in progress" box!

I just don't know 
how I accumulated 
so many! 

And there are still 
more to be used!

My first New Year's 
Resolution for 2015 
is to get my Christmas 
cards done early - I
certainly don't want to
go through this again!

Until tomorrow, 
happy crafting.


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