Monday, 17 November 2014

Risque Personalised Card

Hello, Crafters. 

WOW! I have 
received so much 
feedback about 
yesterday's video 
showing the Dry 
Wipe Boards! 

I am really 
thrilled that the 
idea has caught 
so many people's 

First of all, I hope 
I don't offend anyone 
with the card I 
am posting today. 

The photographs are

of a personalised 
birthday card I 
made for a gentleman 
I met at the Rotary 
Club Craft Fair Saturday 
week ago.

When he first told me 
what he wanted on his 
card I thought "Oh!" 
but then I decided that, 
as I am offering a 
service, I have to be 
prepared to accept 
ideas outside my 
comfort zone. 

Having said that, 
there is a limit on 
how far outside I 
am prepared to go!

Without betraying 
client loyalty, my 
client wanted 
something to do 
with sailing and 
breaking wind! 

I decided this was 
very much a "male" 
thing and was happy 
to accept the challenge. 

This is the card I 

My client was pleased 
with it, I am just waiting
to hear if his friend 
was pleased, too!

I'd be pleased to hear your thoughts on this. What would you have done? Would you have accepted the challenge? If yes, what ideas would you come up with?

Anyway, until tomorrow, happy crafting.


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