Friday, 21 November 2014

Getting ready for the next show

Hello, Crafters.

WOW! What a super 
day I've had in my 

The next show I am 
doing is on Thursday, 
27th November 2014. 

It's at the Pavilion 
Cafe in Beddington and 
is the second year 
this event has been run. 

I was there for their 
first show last year 
and it was a huge 
success, so I am 
working my socks 
off to replenish my 
stocks, which are seriously 
depleted after the last 
two very successful 

I've topped up on Reindeer 
Food and made three 
more Flower Box cards - I'd 
like to make at least another 
3 before Thursday. 

Then I started making some 
Unisex Anti-Depression 

I had 4 left over from 
the summer fair I did in 
Warlingham but the day 
before the Rotary Club 
Craft Fair in Warlingham,
a lady who had seen these 
kits phoned me and asked 
if I had any more.

I told her I had four and 
she said she'd buy them!

To cut a long story short, 
she came to the Rotary 
Club show, bought the four 
kits and several other 
items too.

Tomorrow I have one of 
my rare "me" days - hair 
appointment in the 
morning and manicure 
and pedicure in the 

I hope you all have a 

fantastic, crafty weekend.


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